When the 4th-hit of Anby's Basic Attack hits an enemy, her Energy Generation Rate is increased by 12% for 30s.
When Basic Attack: Thunderbolt hits a Stunned enemy, its DMG is increased by 30%. When Anby's EX Special Attack hits an enemy that is not Stunned, the Daze inflicted is increased by 10%.
Basic Attack, Dodge, Special Attack, and Chain Attack Lv. +2
When Anby launches a Chain Attack or uses her Ultimate, off-field Electric Agents recover 3 Energy. For every 12% Energy Generation Anby Has, recover an additional 2 Energy, up to a maximum of 6.
Basic Attack, Dodge, Special Attack, and Chain Attack Lv. +2
When Anby uses her EX Special Attack, she gains 8 stacks of Charge (max 8 stacks). When she hits an enemy with her Basic Attack or Dash Attack, 1 stack of Charge is consumed, increasing that attack's DMG by 45%.