When Soukaku triggers Core Passive: Blade Banner or Additional Ability: Group Set Meal, the buff duration is increased by 8s.
When Soukaku's Basic Attacks, Dash Attacks, Dodge Counters, or Quick Assist hits an enemy, there's a 15% chance she gains 1 stack of Vortex, triggering up to once per second. When Vortex reaches max stacks, any additional stacks grant Soukaku 1.2 Energy instead.
Basic Attack, Dodge, Special Attack, and Chain Attack Lv. +2
If an enemy is hit by Fly the Flag, the target's Ice RES is reduced by 10% for 8s.
Basic Attack, Dodge, Special Attack, and Chain Attack Lv. +2
While in the Frosted Banner state, the number of usable enhanced Basic Attacks and enhanced Dash Attacks is increased to 12, and also deal 45% more DMG.